Privacy Policy & Google Disclosure

for “GPT Unleashed for Sheets™

Last updated: Sep 10, 2024

This document is dedicated to the “GPT Unleashed for Sheets™” Add-on. Looking for the website’s ( Privacy Policy instead? Read it here.

👋 “GPT Unleashed for Sheets™” was built and is maintained by Alexander Paul, the operator of the site The Privacy Policy below outlines the data collection, processing, storage and protection policies for “GPT Unleashed for Sheets™”, an add-on for Google Sheets™.

Disclosure: Google API Services

“GPT Unleashed for Sheets™“‘s use and transfer of information received from Google APIs to any other third party or application will adhere to the Google API Services User Data Policy, including but not limited to the Limited Use Requirements.

Data Collection and (Third Party) Use

API Keys: Users are required to provide their own API keys (e.g., OpenAI, Anthropic, OpenRouter). These keys are not accessed by the addon creator or maintainer and remain within the user’s Google Sheets™ environment.

Third-party AI models: The add-on sends data to and utilizes AI models provided by OpenAI, Anthropic, OpenRouter, and other API providers as configured by the user. These include models from GPT (OpenAI), Claude (Anthropic), and any models available via OpenRouter.

What data is shared with these models: The data shared with AI models includes text, numbers, formulas, entered prompts, prompt templates in combination with user inputs, and LLM configuration presets (such as the model used and API-request-specific attributes like “max_tokens,” “temperature,” and other attributes displayed in the configuration settings of the application).

The purpose of sharing this data with AI models: The data is shared with AI models (from OpenAI, Anthropic, OpenRouter, and others) to generate responses and perform tasks as specified by the user’s inputs within the Google Sheets™ environment. This enhances productivity by utilizing the appropriate models for the user’s needs.

Models use of data and impact on users: The AI models process the data to generate outputs based on the user’s inputs. This data processing helps automate tasks, generate insights, and provide advanced functionalities within Google Sheets™. However, users should be aware of the implications of sending sensitive data to third-party APIs, as the privacy and security of such data depend on the third party’s data handling practices, which the application developer has no influence on.

Options to control or opt out of data sharing with AI models: Users can control the sharing of their data by choosing not to use the functionalities that interact with APIs (OpenAI, Anthropic, OpenRouter, etc.). If users prefer not to share specific data, they can refrain from inputting such data or using features that require data to be sent to the AI models. However, it is important to note that we cannot control what data each user chooses to send to the AI models.

Responsible and ethical use of data by these models: We ensure responsible and ethical use of data by only sending the necessary information required for the task to the appropriate AI API. Additionally, we do not collect or store any data related to the interaction with third-party AI models. The collection and storage of LLM-related user inputs are limited to a user’s work environment and will never be accessed by the application developer.

Users are clearly informed about the use of AI models and the potential data sharing involved through our privacy policy and during the initial setup of the add-on. Comprehensive explanations are provided to ensure users fully understand how their data will be used. Users are prevented from sharing data with external AI models if they do not provide consent during the initial setup of the add-on.

The app obtains explicit consent from users before sharing their data with third-party AI models (OpenAI, Anthropic, OpenRouter, etc.). This is done through a clear opt-in mechanism during the initial setup and configuration of the add-on.

Consent is obtained through a clear opt-in button that users must select to enable the functionalities that interact with APIs (OpenAI, Anthropic, OpenRouter), after reading this Privacy & Disclosure document.

User Inputs and Spreadsheet Data

The add-on interacts with data in the sheets where it is used. The data may include text, numbers, formulas, entered prompts, prompt templates, and LLM configuration presets (such as the used model and API-request-specific attributes like “max_tokens,” “temperature,” and all further attributes displayed in the configuration settings of the application).

Any retrieval of LLM outputs (user interaction) requires the application to send mentioned data to APIs like OpenAI, Anthropic, and OpenRouter. It is therefore advised to be aware of the implications of sending sensitive data to third-party APIs in general.

Any data related to the interaction with third-party LLMs (OpenAI, Anthropic, OpenRouter) is not collected or stored by the application developer. Collection and storage of LLM-related user inputs (including any type of templates a user can create, such as “Jobs” or “Role” templates) are limited to a user’s work environment (stored as “user properties” - read more) and will never be accessed by the application developer. In plain words: I am happy if you can unfold your creativity 🤗, but I am not interested in (and therefore will never access) your concrete settings, templates, sheets’ data, or prompts that are present in the sheet or being forwarded to APIs like OpenAI, Anthropic, or OpenRouter.

License Activation via Email Subscription

After 30 API calls (hereinafter referred to as “initial threshold”) to APIs like OpenAI, Anthropic, or OpenRouter, users need to subscribe to a newsletter (run by, requiring an email address and a name, followed by a double opt-in confirmation.

Pre-Double-Opt-in Data Collection & Processing

After the initial threshold, the user’s email address is encrypted and stored in a Firestore database. When a user signs up and confirms their newsletter subscription, a triggered Cloud Function encrypts the email address and searches for the encrypted string’s presence in the Firestore database. This ensures that only email addresses present in the whitelisting database are eligible to receive a license key.

Use of Collected Data

The email and name are used for sending newsletters and managing the license key. Unsubscribing from the newsletter results in the license key being deactivated.

Data Processors and Storage

Google Cloud Services: Google Cloud Functions™ and Google Firestore™ are used for processing and storing email addresses and names exclusively for license management & user verification.

Email Marketing: Email marketing & initiation of license-related checks is conducted via Brevo (, Sendinblue GmbH).

Transactional Emails: The Sendgrid (by Twilio) API is employed for sending transactional emails, including the delivery of license keys.

Security and Data Protection

Security Measures: We implement security measures to protect against unauthorized data access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction.

Data Transmission: Data transmissions are encrypted and secured, adhering to industry standards.

User Rights

Access and Control: Users maintain control over their API keys (e.g., OpenAI, Anthropic, OpenRouter) and spreadsheet data.

Data Deletion: Users can request the deletion of their personal data (email and name) used for licensing and newsletter subscription. Requests can be sent to privacy (at)

Compliance and Cooperation with Regulatory Authorities

Legal Compliance: We comply with applicable laws, regulations, and policies set by Google Sheets™, OpenAI, Anthropic, and OpenRouter regarding data privacy.

Data Use Compliance: The data is used solely for add-on functionalities, license management, and newsletter-related activities.

Changes to Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to modify this privacy policy at any time. Changes will be notified through relevant channels. Continued use post-changes indicates consent to the amended policy.

Contact Information

For questions or concerns about this privacy policy or data practices, please contact me via email: hi (at)